With the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) taking place this summer and the Cultural Village taking place just steps away from Quinpool Road, the Quinpool Road Mainstreet District Association (QRMDA) would like to celebrate the strong traditions of the Mi’kmaq, through incorporating the work of Indigenous artists in our public space. Quinpool Road was recently called “The Most Cosmopolitan Street East of Montreal.” And for us, this means creating a greater cultural diversity; not only in the businesses on the street but by the artwork showcased on the street.
The QRMDA would like to engage multiple artists to craft and incorporate Mi’kmaq designs into a new bike rack program. The Association views this program as an important visual representation of Indigenous art and wants to provide the Mi’kmaq artist population of Kjipuktuk (Halifax) and across Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia), with multiple opportunities to tell individual stories through artwork.
Building on the tremendous success of the Halifax Mural Festival, the QRMDA hopes to continue adding art throughout the community, some in unexpected places. The objective of this project is to increase public art in the area and to have Indigenous artists showcase their creativity and vision. Our goal is to provide public space canvasses in the form of bike racks installed before NAIG, so that Indigenous people from across Turtle Island will be able to see these wonderful works of art.
For additional Information: CLICK HERE
For application form: CLICK HERE
If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Conrad, Special Projects Coordinator, QRMDA at sandra@quinpoolroad.ca